Oh yes, it is that time of the year again, where I can not resist myself to start reading the books over again, but then who can?! This morning after my workout I made a cosy corner and blended a ncie cup of coffee to start on my never ending reading list.
Borrowed some, got some on discount, but my collection has stayed untouched. Reading is my place to escape. Which has been rather hard considering my busy routine. Can't escape too often now can I?
So despite a huge list to get started on, one particular classic kept yelling, "Pick me! Pick me! Read ME!". Really it was magical, so I gave up and picked Harry Potter and the Half Blood Prince. Only to put it aside 4 hours later after miraculous ideas for fall decor started brewing in my mind, like a potion (Ok seriously, no drama, but really!)
Harry Potter themed Halloween would be fun now, so I am brainstorming ideas I can add. I like the potions master ;) so obviously.

But I want to alter this one a bit, plastic bottle never appealed to me. I like old fashioned glass. If I manage to edit and make these prinatble labels, they would go beautifully with old wine bottles (now I am not too happy for using them as a center piece!, will have to fish out more)

Plastic spiders and such floating would also look neat, I love cork bottles! Love anything old, vintage, worn out.

This pumpkin design is simply adorable, will have to think of how to manage the glasses though!
But my personal favorite idea is this one, using different shapes and sizes of bottles and jars, frosting them before filling colored juice. The labels need to be very authentic to give this look.
Stacks of books in various corners also look good, I like this idea and already know what materials I will be using, will be easy! (A few grocery bags, black marker and VOILA!)

Some ideas look great but I will have to get my mind to them to figure out how to manage them and what materials I will be needing.

So I will be rather busy this weekend, what about you lot? Any themes and Harry Potter ideas? Do let me know!