About Me

Hello, and Good day to you! Welcome to Home Décor; a creative, fun and informative blog for people who are passionate about being the ultimate home maker while being responsible for the beautiful planet we live in. I am Eva Stephen; the living persona of Home Decor.

Just to sum it up for you, I am a writer, blogger, DIYer, design enthusiast, choosy about colors, nature admirer, social media addict, chocolate fan, and mango lover (which would explain the increasing numbers on the weigh scale!). Ah and anything crunchy is my weakness.

Apart from writing, I am a nature/wild life fanatic; I am usually glued to National Geographic, Discovery and The History channel polishing up my imagination with all the wonderful creations on earth.

I love experimenting in the kitchen, and I don't mean to boast but I have heard I am quiet good at the culinary arts ;)

But on the mainstream, pen and paper is my ‘bread and wine’. Ever since a girl, I loved writing and reading, and currently that is what I do all day long. Writing frantically, about all my projects, decor ideas I love, sharing blog posts that impress me.

I love making friends and through this wonderful blogging journey, I have gotten to know many great talented people. I hope this journey continues and I keep on learning and exploring.

I dearly love my readers’ comments and constructive feedback. So please, never hesitate to leave one. Mail always excites me ;)

Happy Reading!

Love & xxx

1 comment:

  1. Hi Eva,
    Was wondering, can I follow your blog by email subscription? I didn't see a place.
    Thanks, Di
